Now, one of the things, I really love and find inspiring are magazines...I have an addiction for these. I subscribe to some, buy others and appreciate the rest over a cup of coffee at Exclusive Books - international magazine prices leave me Dazed and Confused...I can't afford to take all of them home, though I wish so :-)
I love the Mzansi fresh articles, the photo shoots, the typography, the feel of the paper...and sometimes the smell of it. I cry when I have to let one of them go.
I'm proud to say that I have in my treasure, a full collection of the now defunct True Love Babe magazine...it was a really good magazine, with potential for greater things - I could really relate to it, cover-to-cover anyway...life happened to it, we'll leave that for another day.
I got my GAGA May issue of ELLE last night, the past 2 issues have been really great, much closer to home. The Alek Wek collectors issue may have been one of their best. I don't know why but they just make me pleasantly emotional...I think I'm falling in love again.